TC MISSION: To reach our communities, locally and globally, with the message of freedom and fullness found in Christ.
OUR PURPOSE: To share The Way, The Truth, and The Life with the wayward, the misled, and the dying.
At The Community, we are on mission to make a Kingdom impact in our local community and beyond. We believe the love of Jesus has the power to change hearts and transform lives! We are always seeking opportunities to share the goodness of God with our local community in real and tangible ways. This is why we’ve partnered with many local ministries in our area, as a way for our faith family to share their time, talents, treasures, and testimonies, right here in our own hometown.
The Community also hosts a variety of service events, such as our "TC Summer of Service", and "CommUNITY Go Week", as we seek to “love our neighbors” by providing helpful goods and services for those in need.
If you’re looking for ways to serve our most vulnerable populations in our community, see below for our current Outreach opportunities. Be sure to use the “Connect" buttons below to let us know you’re ready to start serving your local community today!
The Community is honored to provide hot meals to the Dyer County Day Shelter each Friday at 11 am. Our amazing volunteers prepare and serve a nutritious meal for 20-25 people each week.
Are you looking for a practical way to meet the needs of the most vulnerable population in our local community? We would love for you to join our team of volunteers! Click the button to sign up to serve on a Friday of your choice.